
Proto Pic

Proto Pic is an electronic retailer company founded in 2006. Their first in-house developed product was the Proto-PIC Arduino Starter Kit which became popular around the UK and the world. With over 10,000 sells of these to date. They now have a full range of products that are their own concept and design.

Arduino Distributor
Shop Sparkfun

Company: RelChron Limited,
Address: Unit 17, Kirkcaldy Enterprise Centre, Myregormie Place, Mitchelston Industrial Estate, Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland, KY1 3PF
Tel: +44 1592572093

Buy electronic components with Oemsecrets

Buy electronic components with Oemsecrets
Deciding to purchase any type of product is easier when you can compare the prices from different suppliers, when it comes to electronic components Oemsecrets eases this process. As the company works with hundreds of distributors and manufacturers, their website is an online search engine that shows the price ranges for an electronic part from different providers so that one can place an order upon the best given price.

Maplin UK


Maplin is a specialist in consumer electronics and is proud to offer the best and most informed customer advice on the high street. From technology enthusiasts to complete novices everybody will find something to suit them on this website or in their physical locations accross UK.

Maplin Electronics,
Brookfields Way,
S63 5DL